" I am fifty six years old and live in wonderful, wide open, windy Wyoming. The climate here is extremely dry and I am an avid fly fisherman. I do not wear hats or sunglasses. My skin was getting very dry and started to wrinkle. Almost two years ago I started using Great Mother's Belly Butter on my face. My skin now is soft and moist and wrinkle free. I have recently been guessed at thirty eight and forty three year old. My daughter in-laws have used it during their pregnancies and also are totally sold on the product. I would recommend it for any age, male or female. It's GREAT" ~Agness D.
" I live in New York with humid summers and cold wet winters. I recently discovered your products and can't tell you what both your Belly Butter and Baby Oil have done for my dry skin. Both products are incredible. I even use the Belly Butter on my face and all my friends have noticed a difference. I feel younger and more confident whether at work, the gym or just spending time with my family. My search for a miracle creme has ended now that I've discovered your product. I look forward to trying the rest of your line. Thank you, thank you, thank you." ~Patricia L.
" Thanks to your Gift Sampler, I was the hit at my best friends shower. I have used all your products. except for the Baby Oil, although I just placed an order), and I am stretch mark free, wrinkle free, softer to the touch and very happy mother to twin boys. I treat myself to a Quiet Herbal Soak every chance I get, (which is tough to do), and I just love the relaxation I feel with your blend. I will support all your fine products and please keep my name on your permanent mailing list." ~Melinda S.
" I appreciate your fine assistance and support during my recent phone call to your company. I just want to let you know that I love the Great Mother's Belly Butter. My husband is even using it for his chronic dry skin condition and it has been the only thing that has worked. Can you please send me six more. We don't want to run out." ~Annie B.
" As an active Mother of four, it seems I never have time for myself. I haven't been happy with my complexion, body wrinkles, ripples and overall skin appearance. I tried the quick fix spa visits for costly beauty and skin treatments. I was never totally satisfied with the treatments or numerous products I would always purchase for the miracle claims they touted. About six months ago an acquaintance introduced me to Great Mother's Belly Butter. I have been faithfully using your product daily and words can not express how satisfied I am with the results. My skin is so soft and supple and my wrinkles seem to have faded before my eyes. I have paid four times the amount for other products that produced no visible results. Your 4 ounce jar seems to last forever. I will share my wonderful discovery with all my friends. Your Gift Sampler will make perfect Christmas gifts for my friends and they will love me for it as much as I love your products." ~Niki L.
"If I don't use Belly Butter, the itch dries me crazy!... I've used Belly Butter for my entire pregnancy and there's no a stretch mark in sight." ~Emily m.
"Your New Beautiful Baby Oil makes my skin feel beautiful and completely cleared up a severe leg rash. I tried everything and this did the trick. I'm sod!" ~Amy D.
"New moms love it! They find it as soothing, effective, and easy to use as I told them it would be. In 16 years of practice, Great Mother's Sitz Bath is the greatest sitz I've found!" ~Steffie G. Certified Nurse Midwife "I Solely use Heavenly Baby Bath. It smells beautiful; it gives a creamy bath that is soft and safe for the baby. Babies are too sensitive for anything else. Great Mother's Sitz Bath was my savior after the birth!" ~Kelleen T.
"I really think you are onto a new miracle moisturizer. Great Mother's Belly Butter has kept me from flaking after the Florida sun. It is the first thing I've tried that is rich enough to do the work on old, dry skin like mine, without leaving oil behind" ~Patience G.
"Your Belly Butter works great. I apply it on my face and arms every time I go for a spin on my bike. I pack it in my saddle bags and my fellow bikers are catching on to the product. No wind burns, flaky skin, or sun damage for me! I appreciate it." ~Wolfman
"My daughter just gave birth. We made an herbal sitz bath... what a mess! Then we found Great Mother's Sitz Bath and I can personally attest to how convenient, easy to use, and healing Great Mother's prepackaged herbal sitz is." ~Suzzane Arms, Author, photojournalist, consumer advocate
"I can't thank you enough for the healing qualities of your Great Mother's Vital Body Butter. I have tied many available creams and lotions on the market. Although they all had initial soothing qualities, my hands always cried out for more product, hoping to heal a never ending, painful skin condition. Your potion has soaked deeply into my hands, lubricated and softened the cracks and has made my hands limber and light again." ~Jonas G. Cabinetmaker
"I love your Belly Butter. It makes my skin feel smoother, and makes growing a little easier. Thank you." ~Sara, Age 11
"My wife just gave birth. Please Fed Ex your Sitz Bath!" ~C.D.
"I am having our second child and not a stretch mark in sight thanks to you Belly Butter. The Sitz Bath was a godsend after my first delivery. I am a strong believer in all your fine products and absolutely love you newest, Beautiful Baby Oil" ~Connie W.
I used your product. Belly Butter and love it! I discovered it during my last pregnancy and only wish I had it sooner ~Anne-Austin Texas
Love all your products and used the Belly Butter during 3 difficult pregnancies. My skin is smooth & stretch mark free. Your Sitz Bath was also soothing & your Beautiful Baby Oil is wonderful. ~Kelly Chesapeake, VA.
Your Belly Butter is absolutely the best product I ever used. ~Julia Medford, NJ.
Your Vital Body Butter product is working on my old marks. I can't believe it and am very satisfied. It works great for burns too! ~Steven Redondo Beach, FLA.
I have used your products for years and think they are great, your Butters are the greatest skin care products and are very effective in treating so many things. I always have a jar on hand. ~Rachel Chapel Hill, NC.
Enclosed please find my order . Your Belly Butter is working on my old marks. Hooray!!!! I really like this stuff.~ Kathleen San Jose CA.
Enclosed please find a picture of 12lb. 6 oz. Joel, My big sweet darling. As big as I got, not one stretch mark! I thank the Belly Butter for that. My Doctor even thought that was incredible. Thanks for the Beautiful Baby Oil sample. Joel seems to really like it. I want to order three bottles because we're all using it and I don't want to run out! Thanks again for your great products. ~ Denise Yuma, AZ.
I recently moved & ran out of your Vital Body Butter. Please send me four jars & also include a list of any stores in my area that may carry it. I appreciate your help. I need your fantastic Butter!!!!! ~Lisa Santa FE NM.
I am very impressed with your products and customer service. I placed my first order & the representative was so helpful & professional. I couldn't believe I got my order in two days . I really like the Vital Body Butter and it is helping my condition. It takes away the itch and leaves my skin so soft and smooth. I'm very happy I discovered these products. ~Jeff San-Diego, CA.